Why Everything Looks Different Now

I know why everything looks different now. Breast cancer has opened my eyes. The flowers are more colorful, and the trees appear greener. I am more aware of my surroundings. I see things that have been in my line of sight for years but only now recognize. I know it sounds bizarre, but I swear it’s true.

My newfound clarity is not strictly visual; it encompasses all aspects of my life. What does that mean? Well, I’m glad you asked! It means I no longer get sucked into other people’s drama. I innately know to distance myself from toxic people. It’s almost as if I’ve developed a radar that guides me towards positivity. I have no tolerance for anyone or anything negative.

Looks different
Turtle sunning itself on. It’s amazing what you find when you start looking!

Notice What Looks Different in Nature

Here is an excellent example of my newfound clarity. I live about twenty minutes from the beach and take a highway to get there. I saw bunnies, egrets, and a couple of groundhogs this summer while driving to the beach. I have even caught glimpses of Ospreys peeking out of their perch atop a telephone pole. Interesting. Did these animals suddenly decide to make the median/shoulder on the Wantagh Parkway their new home? I think not. I think they’ve been there for as many years as I have been driving the road. I’ve never noticed them – until now.

Looks different
Blue Heron. I had my eyes open!

I am so grateful to have this new clarity in my life. I am sad that I had to get cancer to obtain it. It is ironic that it takes a life-threatening illness to become aware of my surroundings. It’s as if everything has come into focus. I remember my sister telling me a few years ago how her life changed when she started to wear glasses. She said when she walked out of the doctor’s office in her new glasses, it was as if she was entering a new world! I can relate to that.

Focus on Your Surroundings

I am experiencing a new world. The craziest thing about it is that I know the world has not changed. If not, then why is everything so different for me now? I believe my cancer experience has altered my perception of the world. There’s the world of Loretta before cancer and the world after cancer. I was so caught up in working and rushing to finish things that I blocked out my surroundings. Who knows what I missed during that period of my life?

Johnny Nash – I Can See Clearly Now Lyrics
I can see clearly now, the rain is gone,
I can see all obstacles in my way
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind
It’s gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright)
Sun-Shiny day.
I think I can make it now, the pain is gone
All of the bad feelings have disappeared
Here is the rainbow I’ve been prayin for
It’s gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright)
Sun-Shiny day.
Look all around, there’s nothin but blue skies
Look straight ahead, nothin but blue skies
I can see clearly now, the rain is gone,
I can see all obstacles in my way
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind
It’s gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright)
Sun-Shiny day.

From the album, The Best of Johnny Nash, June 23, 1972

The Reason Why Everything Looks Different

If anyone had told me before cancer that I was unaware of my surroundings, I would have vehemently denied it. As hard as it is to admit, I know that is true. This is another off-shoot of my cancer journey that I can file under “positive.” It continues to amaze me that cancer has had so many positive impacts on my life. You’ve heard the saying, “God works in mysterious ways?” For me, that’s never resonated more than it does today. I am grateful for this clarity in my life. However, I am far from happy to have had breast cancer. It is such a double-edged sword. Please do not wait for trauma to occur in your life. Open your eyes today!

Comment below if you notice something hiding in plain sight. I bet you do!

About The Author



  1. Joan | 18th Sep 19

    Loretta, Love the way you write! So happy that life is treating you well! Happy Days 🎈

    • Loretta | 19th Sep 19

      Thanks so much for the kind words Joanie!

  2. Gerri Merlo | 19th Sep 19

    Love it Loretta! Awareness and gratitude…wishing you many more peaceful experiences and blessings!!

    • Loretta | 19th Sep 19

      Thanks very much Gerri! Glad you are enjoying my blog.

  3. Cheers to Outwittinglife, My Breast Cancer Fight, and New Focus | 12th May 22

    […] Breast cancer may have taken away my career and lifestyle; however, it cannot overcome my grit and determination to reinvent myself. I have learned so much about living from almost dying. In one way, that makes me very sad, yet at the same time, it opened my eyes to focus on living. I wrote about cancer opening my eyes in 2019. https://www.outwittinglife.com/why-does-everything-look-different/ […]

  4. Are All Mistakes Just Growth Opportunities In Disguise? | 9th Nov 22

    […] up a new world and specifically ramped up my gratitude. I wrote an article in 2019 about this, https://www.outwittinglife.com/why-does-everything-look-different/ that relates to seeing things differently after […]

  5. Five Perks that Make Getting Older a Blast | 19th Jan 23

    […] saw them. It happened to me after my cancer treatments ended. I wrote a blog about it in 2019: https://www.outwittinglife.com/why-does-everything-look-different/. It really is quite enlightening. If you lean into it, it will change your […]

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