What’s the Most Outrageous Thing You’ve Heard Lately?

Our world is a little crazy right now, don’t you agree? The White House stated on live television this week that the items they recently shot down were not aliens. Really? What’s the most outrageous thing you’ve heard lately? Polar Bears on the boardwalk, perhaps?

Could it be the pandemic altered our thoughts? Our common sense is becoming further and further out of reach. Do you agree? What could be the explanation for the weird happenings all around us? I am a bit uneasy writing this blog today as some subjects are controversial. Kindly indulge me this once as I need to voice some random thoughts swimming around in my head.

How Outrageous is Artificial Intelligence?

Am I the only person scared to death of AI (artificial intelligence)? In no way am I professing to be an expert in this. However, I read that software companies are being formed to combat AI. Higher education is worried about AI’s impact on learning. You can ask for a three-page report on The Alamo, and AI can write it, type it, and get you an A in Geography. Also, can AI assist in getting a pilot’s license or nursing certification? I hope not!

At the same time, this is an opportunity for software engineers to create programs that detect AI. Thus, if a student submits a report written by AI, the software will flag it, and the student cannot present it as their own. I’m unsure which impresses me more – AI or the software that detects it! In either case, it scares me.

Thank goodness they were only spy balloons.

Progress or Outrageous Disruptions?

Will artificial intelligence (AI) make us more efficient? It can replace many jobs and outpace untold workers who are not technology savvy. And, it appears (to me) to be a lot of work. For example, if thieves ask AI for blueprints of a bank, does AI become an accomplice in a robbery? Why do I feel the “bad guys” will be one step ahead of us with this new software? Of course, preventative software will need to be developed so “bad guys” cannot use AI to do bad things. Seems like more of a disruption to me.

There is an ongoing debate over AI and its positive and negative contributions to society. It must be closely monitored, and parameters must be standardized and agreed upon by world leaders. No easy task! You can find more information on AI here: https://builtin.com/artificial-intelligence/risks-of-artificial-intelligence. I found this article to be fascinating and scary at the same time. Please let me know in a comment below what your thoughts are regarding AI.

Other Weird Things

What is going on with our oceans? Dead whales are increasing along the east coast faster than usual. Various environmental groups are sparring over the cause and who is to blame. Something is killing these whales. Quick decomposition sometimes prevents thorough and accurate autopsies. More information can be found here: https://time.com/6254785/whale-deaths-offshore-wind-power/?utm_source=roundup&utm_campaign=20230202. Weird.

Outrageous Things
Could aliens be stealing our eggs and driving up the prices?

What is going on in our grocery stores? The price of eggs is entirely insane (my words), and there is no end in sight. I do the majority of my grocery shopping at Aldi. Last summer, I paid fifty-nine cents for a dozen large eggs there. I paid $3.59 for the same last Sunday. Leading supermarkets like ShopRite and Stop and Shop sell eggs for seven dollars! Outrageous!

The Craziest News Stories

I Googled “Crazy News Stories” just for fun and came up with a couple of doozies!

  • This week, a pet Kangaroo named Nigel was rescued in Granbury, Texas. He jumped out of his yard enclosure when he heard a loud noise. His owner was devastated and claimed she couldn’t sleep as Nigel always sleeps in bed with her. Do you think they spoon? (No worries, Nigel was reunited with his family after two days.)
  • In addition, there is currently a group of people posting on Twitter saying Damar Hamlin of the Buffalo Bills passed away the day his heart stopped on the field. They believe the NFL is covering it up. The ultimate conspiracy theory! This group claims the sightings of #3 have been a stand-in, not Damar. Yes, and I think he has a bridge to sell you, too! Geesh! Remember when I mentioned our common sense is disappearing?
Most Outrageous Thing
Damar Hamlin with His Parents in Hospital

Our Differences Are What’s Outrageous

Does anyone remember Lampoon Magazine? I feel that’s where most of these news stories belong. It is incredulous that spy balloons have been lofting over Montana, that AI is considered a good thing, and there’s a woman in Texas sleeping with a Kangaroo in her bed every night. I won’t even comment on the Twitter conspiracy theory – it’s too bizarre.

What the heck is going on in our world? People are nuts! Truthfully, we all are; that includes me. I have my quirks (none of them Kangaroos) and idiosyncrasies, and I believe that is what makes life interesting. We have different opinions and ideas. Plus, we all can laugh. Researching this article made me laugh out loud at times! I hope you found this piece engaging or thought-provoking. I know it is a mishmash of random thoughts, so thank you for reading to the end of this blog post.

As usual, kindly comment below if anything resonates with you today. And especially if you have any experience with kangaroos. Have a great week, everyone!

PS. Please forward this to a friend that could use a chuckle today!

About The Author



  1. Mike | 17th Feb 23

    A couple of years ago I would see a lot of Polar Bears on the Boardwalk in Long Beach on Super Bowl Sunday, are they still there? Also, I hope there is life outside our great planet but I have not seen any proof of it yet except on Star Trek. Great article keep them coming.

    • Loretta | 18th Feb 23

      Yes, I remember seeing all those polar bears in Long Beach, too! They are definitely still there! Luckily for Make a Wish. Glad you liked my post.

  2. Richard | 17th Feb 23

    You are right. The world is crazy right now.

    As far as AI, it is very concerning. The stock market is going crazy with AI and there is so much competition between all the major players (Amazon, Microsoft, Google, etc. I bought some AI stock because it is skyrocketing. I didn’t invest a lot because it could be the next bubble.

    I worry for my daughter and her generation.

    • Loretta | 18th Feb 23

      I feel exactly the same. What about our future generations? It’s hard not to worry about them. Also, I wonder if our parents felt the same about us. Good idea about AI stock. Be conservative but still invest. Thanks for the comment!

  3. Brandon | 18th Feb 23

    What a week it was. I for one am all for AI as I love all my tech toys. With that being said, there is still a long way to go on improving the safety of AI and “control” what AI is programmed to do. I’m hoping that we aren’t headed in an IRobot situation. But if we are, Will Smith better be hitting the gym.
    I have seen that students using ChatGPT are getting flagged for plagiarizing other users. The AI isn’t up to for the high demand of the users and the faults are starting to show. As for the bad guys, they will always be one step ahead. Especially when it comes to technology. Laws and the criminal justice system is always behind. That could be due to budget cuts, lack of support, culture, etc. Not everyone has the budget of 007😜.

    The news this week with the chemical spill in Ohio and the lack of media outlets not covering it is mind boggling to me. People have reported in CT of waking up and having chemical residue on their cars and it’s barely making the airwaves. I guess Elon’s Twitter and Reddit are the way to get news these days. It probably is just as truthful as the major news outlets.

    As far as ET goes, I hope I don’t have to see him anytime soon. Still have PTSD from seeing him extend his neck in the 90s. I am however, all in these flying objects. According to the government, it’s not rare for these things to happen but apparently they were flying too low? I would love to see the FBI findings on these objects to see what they were actually doing.

    What a week it was….

    • Loretta | 19th Feb 23

      Yes, truly what a week it was, Brandon. You make an excellent point on the oil spill in Ohio. Why wasn’t there more coverage? Things that make you go hum. You really can never believe all the news these days. Everyone seems to have an agenda. It’s best to take everything with “a grain of salt.” I am sorry ET traumatized you, however, it totally makes sense. If I were to encounter an alien, I so hope he/she is as friendly as ET! Thank you very much for the comment!

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