Are you a procrastinator? What would you do if God whispered in your ear, today is the day; take action, do good and enjoy! Have you ever thought about what you would do if today were it?
Call me morbid, but I think about this a lot. I am sure having breast cancer, sepsis, and heart surgery is why I feel this way. “Close calls” have led me to think differently regarding time and how I spend it.
How much time do you have? Ah, that is the million-dollar question. We all believe we have lots of time, so we frequently postpone our dreams. Are you interested in playing a musical instrument or taking singing lessons? Someday. How about going whale watching, hiking or to London? Someday.
We are all guilty of postponing things. Although we might want to move forward on something, finances may delay our actions. That is a genuine concern. But what if we are in a position to take action yet cannot seem to take a leap off the ledge? Could it be we are subconsciously holding ourselves back? Why?
Numerous psychologists agree that failure to move toward our dreams is due to either fear of failure or fear of success. That makes total sense to me. Sadly, most of us are accustomed to adversity (myself included), and the thought of success scares us. Likewise, the fear of a lack of support or criticism from family members or friends worries us. We must learn to trust ourselves and know that trying is better than inaction, no matter the results.
“What day is it?” asked Pooh.
“It’s today,” squeaked Piglet.
“My favorite day,” said Pooh.
A.A. Milne
A close friend of mine lost his mom this past week. She was a great lady who was eighty-seven years old and full of life. The wake, the funeral mass, and the repast were all a celebration of her life. Hysterical stories were told, and there were plenty of laughs and tears. I think that is the life that we all anticipate living. However, not all of us are that fortunate.
Two years ago, a grammar school friend of mine died from cancer. She was diagnosed and gone within six months. It was very shocking. It shows, however, that you never know how much time you will have. So you should pack as much life as possible into every day!
Do you ever feel like a broken record? I do. Every year I say I am going to do things, and I truly intend to do them, yet I fail to execute. Not this year! This is the year that I am finally going to do the following:
There are so many fun things to do during the holiday season. I wind up missing them because I am shopping or baking. I will be participating in seasonal happenings this year, and I cannot wait! Is there anything you’ve always wanted to do yet never seem to? Why not make this the year you finally do the holiday things that intrigue you? We can compare notes!
About two years ago, I consciously decided to perform a daily act of kindness. It is one of the best things I have ever done. It is so much fun to do! Some days, I let a car go in front of me in traffic or compliment someone on their outfit. Other times, I get a bit more elaborate, like I did today.
As most of you know, I am addicted to McDonald’s Diet Coke. I buy one at the same McDonald’s almost every day from the same cashier. Today, I gave her an apple pie and wished her a Happy Thanksgiving. She was shocked. It was great!
Thanksgiving is almost here. Now there’s a day that most of us can say we enjoy. Food, football, and family all in one place! This holiday always makes me reflect. I think about everything I have to be thankful for; it is a lot!
I am incredibly grateful for my husband, Erin, and Michael. And, happy to have my two brothers and sister plus their families all living close by. My husband’s side is spread out a bit more, but luckily, technology helps out with that, and they are not all far away.
What are you doing for Thanksgiving? My brother Danny and his wife Claire are hosting this year. They always throw a great party, and their food never disappoints. I anticipate feeling plump and happy by the end of the day! Hopefully, you will feel that way too.
I am very grateful to all of you that are reading my blog. Thank you to my faithful readers and to all of you that continuously encourage me to write. You have improved my life by helping me find my passion. I wish you all this Thanksgiving toast from Maya Angelou: “When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.” You can find it here, along with many other toasts, in case you need one on Thursday:
As usual, if I have said anything that resonates with you, kindly comment below. Can I also ask that you share my blog with a friend? Thank you, and Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!
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