surviving breast cancer

Why Are My Breast Cancer Side Effects Never Ending?

The farther I get away from my breast cancer, the more I want to know why are my breast cancer side effects never-ending? It’s as if the disease itself was manageable, but the side effects keep coming. And no one wants to hear about it. Everyone wants your journey to be over. Years ago, I remembered my mother telling us that once her conversations became about her…

A New Side Effect is Joining My Cancer Journey and It’s Scary

Do you get that “pit” feeling in your stomach when you are afraid? I do. There’s a new side effect joining my cancer journey and it’s scary. I have been walking around with that pit feeling due to a new fear. It is so uncomfortable, yet I know I have to get through it. This is not my first rodeo, and you would think…

How to Avoid a Breast Cancer Relapse After Five Years of Survival

According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control), there is a 90% five-year survival rate for women with my initial breast cancer diagnosis. Terrific odds. After that, what happens? How can I avoid a breast cancer relapse after five years of survival? Interestingly, the five-year mark of surviving cancer is recognized, but nothing else past that seems to matter. After five years, can you assume you will not…

Why Is the Breast Cancer Fight Never Over?

The surgeries, chemo, and radiation treatments all have end dates. So, why is the breast cancer fight never over? When someone has a pain in their stomach diagnosed as appendicitis, they have surgery to remove the problem. They do not refer to themselves as appendicitis survivors for the rest of their lives. At least, I have never met anyone that has. I have, however, met many breast cancer survivors. That…

One Excellent Thing Breast Cancer has Taught Me

It’s not very easy to find the good in having had breast cancer. But, there is one excellent thing breast cancer has taught me. You are never too old to change or try something new. My breast cancer diagnosis resulted in my loss of employment. This loss greatly impacted our finances. It forced us to move from our beloved Floral Park neighborhood to a more affordable area on…

My friend has been diagnosed with Breast Cancer; now what?

It is never easy to hear that a friend (or loved one) has been diagnosed with breast cancer. What a nightmare, right? If that’s your initial response, consider how awful your friend feels. She’s scared, she’s uncertain about her options, and she probably feels as if she is living in a dream. I say this because it is exactly how I felt. Nothing seems…