social distancing

Covid is the Perfect Reason to Begin Outwitting Life

Outwitting life is all about taking control and changing how you deal with adversity. Covid is the perfect reason to begin outwitting life. Go turn on your T.V., and the top news story is most likely Covid featuring the number of Omicron breakthrough cases tallied today. It is almost impossible to get tested for Covid right now. Clinics and Urgent Care facilities have lines with four-hour wait times…

Want to Take Control During Quarantine?

Who knew that when I started this blog a year ago, that outwitting life would become a necessity during Covid 19? Well, it has. Suddenly, everything has changed. We are all working from home or not working at all. Schools are remotely teaching lessons, or parents are home-schooling. Sports are canceled, and we’re being asked to self-quarantine to keep everyone safe. Social distancing is the current…