
“Emerging” is The New Book You Need to Read

“Your hard matters,” according to Nancy Stordahl. How true! We all experience hard things in life, albeit to varying degrees. Emerging is the new book you need to read. I could not put it down. Typically, I am not enamored by others’ cancer stories. It is sort of a been there, done that scenario. However, Emerging is different. It hit me hard, so I wanted to write…

NYC and East Coast Summer Travel Ideas Post Pandemic

Looking for Summer travel ideas? We are primed for a great Summer! The ballparks are at full capacity, and restaurants no longer have to close early. Heck, the New York Mets are in FIRST place in their division (barely). Life is good. I feel like we should all be dancing in the streets – we’re free! We can breathe without masks on and actually hug each other. People…

Did You Outwit Life During the 2020 Pandemic?

If there ever was a time to learn how to successfully outwit life, this was the year. Did you outwit life during the 2020 pandemic? Too many bad things happened during the pandemic of 2020, yet so many good lessons have been learned. I believe the pandemic brought out the good in people. I really am torn between hating this year and loving (okay, maybe liking) it. Was 2020 a…

Outwitting Thanksgiving in a Pandemic

Can you believe we’re still dealing with a pandemic? What will outwitting Thanksgiving in a pandemic look like? This will be interesting! It never occurred to me that the pandemic would impact our Thanksgiving family gatherings in March. I thought Covid-19 would be long gone by now. But it is still lingering. Not only has Covid not made its graceful exit, but it may be gearing up…

Covid Appears to Be Inducing Public Rudeness

I fear Covid is inducing public rudeness. We did take out tonight. I know it is not an indulgence we should make when on a budget. We are trying to support local businesses during Covid, and I needed Mexican food. I drove to get the take-out, and a man was walking into the restaurant before me. He did not hold the double doors for me even though I was…