
Your Life Will Be Happier When You Find Your People

The Mayo Clinic says, “Good friends are good for your life.” Multiple studies have proven that your life will be happier when you find your people. Have you found your people? How many friends do you have? Do you know the difference between friends and acquaintances? We tend to cycle through friends during our lives. For example, you become friends with children in nursery school or kindergarten based…

Should I Go to My 45th Year High School Reunion?

The invite arrived in the mail this Saturday. Should I go to my 45th-year high school reunion? I experienced so many emotions reading the invitation from St. Francis Prep. My first thought was to calculate the time between now and the reunion date to see how quickly I needed to start my diet. Plenty of time! (Yeah, right.) I loved my high school years! Of course, I will attend…

Can Tragedies Result in Positive Change?

Tragedies can make or break us, depending on how we handle them. But, can tragedies result in positive change? I believe so, but I think a “catch” goes with it. Being the logically minded person I am, I would assume that anything that sparks positive change would be good. But, what if it’s not? What if it is a tragedy? Could a tragedy be manipulated into…

Life Lessons I Have Learned From My Children

It’s almost the end of 2021, and I find myself reflecting not just on this past year but on my life, in general. I’ve come to realize that there are so many life lessons I have learned from my children. Everyone thinks they have the most brilliant kids. When they are young, you and your husband are fascinated (and very proud) by their first words, steps…

How I’m Finding Clarity in Life After Having Breast Cancer

Crazy to be saying this but, I’m finding clarity in my life after having breast cancer. Four and a half years ago the disease turned my entire life upside down and caused me to question everything. I wasn’t particularly seeking inward knowledge; however, having breast cancer allowed me to learn so much about myself. Are you interested in learning more about yourself? My journey towards figuring…

My friend has been diagnosed with Breast Cancer; now what?

It is never easy to hear that a friend (or loved one) has been diagnosed with breast cancer. What a nightmare, right? If that’s your initial response, consider how awful your friend feels. She’s scared, she’s uncertain about her options, and she probably feels as if she is living in a dream. I say this because it is exactly how I felt. Nothing seems…