
How to Make Your Life More Fuchsia Than Beige

Are you living life as a steady neutral or a bold pink? Are You interested in making your life more fuchsia than beige? Then you will need to start taking risks. When was the last time you took a risk? If you have to think hard to recall, you are living a beige life. There’s nothing wrong with beige lives. Except that they are colorless. Wouldn’t…

What Control Do You Really Have Over Your Destiny?

How do you handle a “what if” situation? What control do you really have over your destiny? For example, what if that guy broadsided you instead of going up on the grass, or what if that candle you left burning destroyed your home? Do you ever have any nearlys in your life? How do you handle them? Having a brush with tragedy is very jarring. It does involve…

Why Not Pinky-Swear To Be Positive With Others?

I have an idea! Why not pinky-swear to be positive with others? Are you wondering why we have so many people depressed in America? Because we instigate it! Okay, so that is not true, but did it get your attention? Remember the quote from Mother Theresa, “Do not wait for leaders. Do it alone, person to person.” It is…

Planning Is Good But Letting Life Happen Can Be Better

Do you micro-manage your life? Planning is good, but letting life happen can be better. There is something so freeing when you let yourself go with the flow. Having been through a breast cancer battle, I know what it is like to have to go with the flow. I had no control over anything. Planning was limited to doctor visits and treatments. I was afraid to plan for fear…

A New Side Effect is Joining My Cancer Journey and It’s Scary

Do you get that “pit” feeling in your stomach when you are afraid? I do. There’s a new side effect joining my cancer journey and it’s scary. I have been walking around with that pit feeling due to a new fear. It is so uncomfortable, yet I know I have to get through it. This is not my first rodeo, and you would think…

Covid is the Perfect Reason to Begin Outwitting Life

Outwitting life is all about taking control and changing how you deal with adversity. Covid is the perfect reason to begin outwitting life. Go turn on your T.V., and the top news story is most likely Covid featuring the number of Omicron breakthrough cases tallied today. It is almost impossible to get tested for Covid right now. Clinics and Urgent Care facilities have lines with four-hour wait times…