Six Tips and Affirmations to Grow Your Self-Respect

Lately, I’ve come across multiple articles regarding the importance of self-respect. So, here are six tips and affirmations to grow your self-respect. I do not believe in coincidences, so I have to assume the universe is telling me to take a look at this.

I grew up in an Irish Catholic family. If I ever asked my mother what type of respect she thought she had for herself, she’d most likely slap me. Talking like that was too “woo-woo” for her. Feelings were never her strong suit. She was more the “suck it up and deal with it” type.

Thankfully, times have changed, and these conversations are ordinary today. Studies and documentation prove that your opinion of yourself dramatically affects your self-confidence and success. You need to have respect for yourself. How can you expect someone else to like you if you don’t already like yourself? Indeed, you wouldn’t be worthy of someone else’s interest, right?

Six tips and affirmations to grow your self-respect
Believe in Yourself

Self-Respect is Taught Early in Life

Our opinion of ourselves develops at a young age. It is formed by how those around us treat us. If your opinion is marginalized when growing up, you’ll think you are not worthy of having an idea. However, if everyone applauds or agrees with your opinion, you’ll believe your ideas matter. This increases your confidence and boosts your self-worth.

I vividly remember the summer when a friend divulged how she kept a very high opinion of herself. We were in the Hamptons and getting ready to go to a club. (Disco was the “in” thing back then.) I was more comfortable in old man bars (shocking), so I was nervous about venturing off to a club. She told me, “Here’s what you do. Walk into the club like you own the place. If you act like you are hot sh*t, everyone will believe you are. I do it all the time!”

Six Tips and Affirmations to Grow Your Self-Respect
Be Good to Yourself

She was right. If you walk into a room with your head held high, shoulders back, and a confident look on your face, people notice you and wonder who you are. It is incredible how easy this is. Have you ever tried it?

I used to do it all the time when giving corporate sales presentations. No matter how nervous I was, I would march into the room confidently, instantly earning everyone’s respect. Some people call it posturing or faking it until you make it. No matter what you call it, it works!

If you do this enough times, you eventually come to believe it yourself. It is a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Six tips and affirmations to grow your self-respect
Respect Starts With You

Six Tips To Grow Your Self-Respect

Stop criticizing yourself – It is so easy to blame yourself! How often have you done something and then spent an hour critiquing it and second-guessing your actions? No one is perfect! Belittling yourself serves you no purpose and may even sabotage your next step.

Honor your accomplishments – It is natural to be proud of them. Tell your friends and family what you’ve done. Let them share in your happiness.

Take care of your body – We only get one body, so you need to take care of it. Set up your annual check-ups and listen to your doctors. Show your body the same respect you show your mind. Feeling healthy builds confidence!

Eliminate projecting outcomes – Stop assuming that a cramp in your stomach is a tumor and your cancer has returned! Or, getting yourself so worked up before a presentation thinking everyone will hate it that you become nauseous. Prepare for your presentation days ahead, practice it often, and walk into the conference room confident you will rock it!

Be your own best friend – If you are feeling anxious or scared about a business move you are about to take, think of your best friend and start talking to yourself like they would. Your best friend is supportive of you and proud of you. That is the conversation you should be having with yourself. You can do anything you set your mind to.

Accept your flaws – Everyone has flaws because no one is perfect. Acknowledge you have a couple of weaknesses while reminding yourself of your best qualities. There is more good in you than bad; focus on the good.

Conquering the above fears and practicing how to manage them will ensure you respect yourself. You will feel good about yourself, which will be evident to others. Unknowingly, you will ooze confidence, and that will command respect.

Six tips and affirmations to grow your self-respect

Using Affirmations to Build Your Self-Respect

Are you familiar with affirmations? They are positive statements to recite daily that reinforce belief in ourselves. I admit I was wary of this practice when I first learned it. It seemed to be too “woo woo” for me. I have since come to like using affirmations as I have witnessed how effectively they build confidence.

I found a great blog in Psychology Today written by Dr. David Hanscom, where he discusses using affirmations to help his patients control their pain. You can find it here:

Six tips and affirmations to grow your self-esteem

Below are affirmations that will work in tandem with the suggestions above on building self-respect.

  • Self-deprecation isn’t something I need.
  • I celebrate and reward myself for every win, no matter how small it may seem.
  • I provide my body with proper care and nourishment.
  • The road to improvement is paved with challenges; I can overcome all of them.
  • I see myself walking confidently into every situation.
  • I can embrace my flaws and imperfections.

Wondering how to use affirmations? Most people recite them two times a day – when they wake up and go to bed. Many people repeat them in front of a mirror while looking straight into their own eyes. Woo-woo! Just kidding, although I am sure that is what my mom is thinking.

Managing How Others Respect You

Speaking of others…you need to set boundaries with those around you. Be sure to respect others the way you want them to respect you. Be kind, speak softly, and acknowledge other people’s feelings. Just as you command respect, you need to reciprocate it. If you have a friend that continually talks down to you, yells at, or belittles you, perhaps they should no longer be your friend.

Six tips and affirmatioms to grow your self-esteem

Unfortunately, not everyone is respectful of others. Keep walking when you encounter such individuals. You do not need to associate with those types of people. Instead, surround yourself with upbeat, positive, like-minded people who offer and command respect.

Saying No Is Just Setting A Boundary

If someone asks you to do something you are uncomfortable with, it is okay to say no. Do not give in to peer pressure. Stand your ground and respect yourself by setting a boundary. You will feel so good you did!

Being comfortable with and respecting yourself will make your life much more enjoyable. You will genuinely feel happier; people will treat you respectfully and listen to your advice. It may feel uncomfortable to dig into these feelings initially, but the result is worth it. To quote Dr. Suess, “Oh, the places you will go.”

If I have said anything that resonates with you, kindly let me know in a comment below. Have a great rest of your week!

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