Our Book Club Bond

In some ways, I feel like I am part of a secret cult. Years ago, I was approached to join a women’s book club. They had already met two times, so I was a couple of books behind when I started. I have to admit I was a bit intimidated. I only knew a few of the women in the club, so I thought it would be an excellent way to meet some new ladies.

The first thing I learned was that these women were serious about their book club. The person who hosts the meeting is the one who selects the book for that month. They are responsible for drinks, and the group members bring either appetizers or desserts. You get assigned your month at the beginning of the year by the group’s Recording Secretary (more about her later), and you are responsible for having discussion questions ready for your book selection. It’s a very efficient way to run the club and has worked well for us.

2019 Halloween Party

This book club thoughtfully discusses the book, so you must read it to be able to follow along. Sure, there may be months where you are so busy that you cannot read the whole thing, but everyone tries their best to come to the meeting prepared. We have had some very lively discussions regarding the ending of some of the books when the author leaves things open to interpretation. Some ladies have strong opinions on what the author intended for us to conclude.

We have been together for fifteen years! Isn’t that remarkable? We meet once a month (typically the third Friday) and have a book discussion with a few exceptions. In April, we celebrate our anniversary by going out to dinner, and we skip July because of vacation conflicts. And in December we have a Christmas dinner. We do not read books for those months, so we read nine books a year. That means we have read and discussed 143 books since we started the group. Wow, just wow.

This group, however, is so much more than a Book Club. It is a group of ladies that have formed the epitome of friendship. We are diverse in many ways but steadfast in our support of each other. We celebrate birthdays, engagements, our children’s accomplishments, and more. We encourage each other on bad days, and we cook for each other (or send take-out) when someone is sick. We are a support group that’s ready in a moment’s notice to jump into action if needed. We have experienced cancer, the death of a parent(s), and tragically, the death of a spouse together. We once put the book discussion aside to listen while a member shared their most personal, heartbreaking story with us. Then, we all cried with her. There is a bond between us that is so strong it gives me chills when I think about it. How lucky are we?

Book Club spouses and kids hanging with the mascot at the Ducks game.

Besides our monthly Book Club meetings, we do other things together. We attended the premiere of the movie Downton Abbey and went to a Long Island Ducks game. In 2020, we are hoping to go to Ellis Island together. We frequent each other’s parties and attend random craft or paint nights together. All social events are fair game for this crowd!

My Book Club has educated me about World War II (a little too often), slavery, different cultures, historical events, and the list goes on and on. More importantly, it has allowed me to experience life with all its highs and lows with a caring, supportive and loving group of women who always seem to know the right things to do or say when you need them.

Speaking of saying the right things, our Recording Secretary diligently jots down funny comments that we say at our monthly meetings. Then, at our April anniversary dinner, we read her notes and marvel at what we said! There are always a couple of doozies that one of us can never live down. It is sheer entertainment and allows us to reminisce and laugh about the good times we had that last year.

I am so grateful that I am part of this Book Club. I had no idea what a fantastic decision I was making when I joined. Now, I have no idea what my life would be like without all of these ladies in it.

I am looking forward to what year sixteen has in store for us. I love being part of this cult!

About The Author



  1. Liz | 20th Dec 19

    What a sweet book club story,Loretta!Your blog is a joy to read.Merry Christmas and Happy 2020!

    • Loretta | 28th Dec 19

      Happy New Year Liz. Hope you were able to enjoy the grandkids over the holidays!

  2. Patty | 22nd Dec 19

    Loretta, This is a true example of good writing – a compelling story about real women, real stories, and real love. I am blessed and proud to be a member of our book club. We personify the statement: “We may not have it all together, but together we have it all.”. Thank you for telling us story so beautifully!

    • Loretta | 28th Dec 19

      Thanks so much for the kind words Patty. We are so lucky to be part of this wonderful group! xo

  3. Patty | 22nd Dec 19

    OK….the last line should say: Thank you for telling OUR story so beautifully! Now you know why Loretta is the designated writer…

  4. Maryel | 29th Dec 19

    Loved this article/blog whatever you call it.. I love the bond you share with your bookmates It is amazing.
    All started over loving to read!

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