Is There a Perfect Time?

Two years ago, I received a gift card from a friend for my birthday. It was an American Express card that I could use anywhere. I was so excited! What should I use it for? Should I buy something decadent for myself that I could never justify using my own money for? Should I get a massage and a manicure or try a new restaurant with the hubby? I had lots of ideas and really couldn’t decide where I should use it. So, I put it safely in my jewelry box–where it’s been sitting ever since.

What’s wrong with me? Why do I “save” or put off doing things for myself that I would find enjoyable? Do I feel as if I am not worthy of these indulges? I have friends that spend the two days after Christmas using every gift card they’ve received and exchanging every gift that either does not fit or they do not like. I either lose the receipt or take too long to do an exchange that I get pennies on the dollar for the item. I cannot tell you how many times I fill a good will bag with clothing that still has tags on it. You would think I would have learned my lesson by now!

I’ve done some research and it turns out (thankfully), I am not alone. There are many people that do the same thing. In fact, a MarketWatch article cited in 2018 that, “One billion in gift cards go unused each year.” Interestingly enough, a secondary market has emerged whereby people sell gift cards on-line and below cost in order to get actual cash. This statistic makes me feel happy and normal. I was thinking I had some sort of weird delayed gratification or low self-esteem issue.

I have decided I am going to use that Amex card this weekend and buy myself something frivolous. I no longer want to be a statistic. And, I’m also going to start using my bottle of Chanel Perfume that I received about ten years ago. Who needs to wait for the “perfect” time?

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  1. Jo Ann M Trammell | 16th Jul 19

    The perfect time is now. We don’t know what tomorrow brings. Good choice on the Channel. I inherited a bottle from my Mom who rarely used it. We can’t take it with us…. I guess we could be buried with it but who wants that!

    • admin | 17th Jul 19

      Not me!

  2. Meag McCormack | 18th Jul 19

    Why would you wait so long to use the card! You are so generous when it comes to other! Hope you bought something great!

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