Now is the perfect time to focus on some personal changes. Does Fall inspire you to make changes in your life? It’s October, the leaves are beginning to change color, the temperature is dropping, and the new school year has started.
October is all about change. The trees transform from green into bursts of oranges, reds, and yellows. Sweet corn rows become pumpkin patches, and it’s prime time for apple picking.
Is there anything in your life that you would like to change right now? Have you thought about what you would like to change?
I always get this little flutter in my insides at this time of year. I know most people think of the beginning of a new calendar year as the time to make changes or plan a transformation. For me, it’s always been the Fall.
I feel like I owe myself to change along with the season. It’s almost like the energy of change is going on all around me, so I need to channel that mojo and jump on the change wagon. Does anyone else feel that way?
Fall is my favorite season. I love “sweater weather,” or as we say in the Northeast, “sweata weatha.” The scenery where I live (Long Island) is breathtakingly beautiful. For some reason, I also love the beach this time of year.
I enjoy a crisp, chilly, sunny day where the blue ocean water seems to sparkle, and the waves continually crash to the shore. I could sit at the beach for hours listening to the surf. It’s easy to get lost in the beauty of it all.
I seem to do my best planning and decision-making at the beach. My husband and I have made significant life decisions while walking on the beach. That environment invokes clarity for both of us. I am grateful we figured that out early in our relationship. It has served us well.
Do you have a special place you go to when you need to make meaningful changes in your life?
For me, change equals growth. It’s sometimes painful, but it’s always been worth it. The difference is what allows me to outwit life. If situations reveal themselves that make me uncomfortable, I can adapt by making changes.
There are many things on my Change Wish List that I have no control over, but they are fun to identify. For example, I wish:
I have lofty goals, don’t I? (Especially that last one!)
Making a crazy wish list allows me to keep things in perspective. I know I cannot miraculously make changes that would affect the world, like curing cancer and stopping global warming. But what can I change?
More importantly, what do I need to change?
Change in my daily structure is number one on my list. I have somehow lost a few of my organizational skills. When you need to get something done, I am your go-to person. No one is better than me at keeping “all the balls in the air.” The more things I have to do, the happier I am – bring it on was my motto.
Something shifted in me about eight months ago, and I fell victim to depression. It was horrible. I didn’t want to do anything, least of all multiple things at once! (Depression is something that breast cancer survivors experience quite often when attempting to rebuild their life. )
Cancer’s reach seems to be never-ending! It’s okay; I have been working through it and feel much better now. My depression made me realize that changing and feeling better is possible. It’s all about taking care of yourself.
When you are a caretaker by nature, taking care of yourself is usually not something you take the time to do. You are too busy helping others to think about yourself. Are you nodding your head right now?
There’s a reason why the airlines tell you to put your face mask on first before assisting anyone else. I finally understand that now.
So, I will start changing how I take care of myself by getting more sleep and eating better. I will carefully select the projects I engage in and ensure not to take on too many things at once.
I will hone my organizational skills, especially in this blog. What’s that phrase? “Work smarter, not harder.” Yep, that’s me starting right now.
One of the hardest lessons in life is letting go. Whether its guilt, anger, love, loss. Change is never easy. You fight to hold on, And, you fight to let go.
Kahil Gibran
Are you planning any changes to coincide with this new season? Has the Fall inspired you to shed some old habits? I hope so. If we all tried to become better people, it only makes sense we’d become a better world. I’d love it if my “wish” change list had a shot at coming true.
Do you have a “wish” change list? Are you thinking of jumping on the change wagon with me?
Even if you decide there is no need for a personal transformation in your life right now, I hope you get outside in your “sweata” and enjoy the Fall “weatha.” And, an apple cider donut or two.
Happy Fall Y’all!
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