Does Anyone Know You Better Than Your Dog?

If you do not have a dog, please substitute any pet or favorite bartender in the above sentence. As crazy as it sounds, I am betting the answer is no. If you are a dog lover, no one could know you better than your dog.

This has been quite a challenging few days, so I am writing a light-hearted post. Writing is my stress outlet, and I need some relief. Upfront warning: this is highly opinionated. I will be back next week with my yearly post on Breast Cancer Awareness Month or BCAM as we bloggers call it.

Now let’s get back to the dog/pet thingy. I am at home tonight with just the dog – my buddy, Tucker. He is a rescue dog we got a year and a half ago. The poor guy was abandoned and living in the woods of Texas when he was rescued. His face melted our hearts when we saw him at a Long Island adoption event. The first two weeks with him were hell. He had no training, and he was a hand full. He came dangerously close to being returned. Thank goodness we didn’t do that!

Does Your Dog Really Know You?

Tucker eventually followed directions (most days) and became part of the family. Our son Michael is his favorite, and he follows him everywhere. Tucker is obsessed with Michael, and it’s adorable to see. Anyhoo, Tucker is lying on my foot as I type and is very content. I started talking to him and telling him I was writing about him. He keeps wagging his tail at me. I am taking that to mean he approves. Do you speak to your pet? I talk to Tucker all the time.

Sometimes, he lays on the bed, and I pour my heart out while giving him a belly rub. He is quite a good listener. He kisses me when I cry and snuggles up when he senses I am sad. His doggie intuition is excellent as he knows when I am upset or stressed, and he comforts me. He lets me hug him. I have told him things I have never shared with anyone. And he never offers his opinion or minimizes my situation. Yes, he really does know me.

It would be great if more people were like Tucker. Wouldn’t you like a Tucker in your life?

My Life Has Always Had A Dog

Before Tucker, we had Snickers. She was a princess. She reserved her kisses for my husband. I fought breast cancer when we had her. While she listened when I chatted about my fears and such, she never comforted me with kisses. It’s interesting how each dog has their own personality. She was aloof, and while I loved her, I always wished she was more affectionate. She would stay with me and cuddle sometimes.

Does Anyone Know You Better Than Your Dog?
Our Snickers Girl

Snickers was incredibly smart. Due to unforeseen circumstances, she was once left home alone for a very long time. I felt horrible for her. We rushed home as quickly as possible, fully anticipating we’d find a mess in the house somewhere. She wound up pooping in the shower! We had a walk-in shower in our master bath, and that is where she chose to do her business. Based on the smell, we know she peed in there as well. She picked the best spot with the least impact on our home. It was astonishing!

Sometimes A Dog Seems Human

Our first dog was Apple. I am convinced she was primarily human. She believed in eating as a family; what dog leaves food in their dish and waits to eat with their family? It was adorable! She was such a good girl. Even though our yard was not fenced-in, she never ran away. She and I went through fertility treatments together. The number of years I cried into her fur was insane, yet she always let me. I honestly don’t know what I would have done if I didn’t have her to comfort me.

I forgot Apple had these crazy ears!

Apple knew Erin was a miracle when we brought her home from the hospital. She was never jealous of her, and she had no reaction when Erin pulled her tail or was rough with her. She was a fantastic dog. We called her Apple, as in the “Big Apple,” because we adopted her when we lived in Chicago. For the record, we named her Apple before Gwyneth Paltrow chose the name for her daughter.

Am I A Crazy Dog Lady?

We’ve had three dogs, all with distinct personalities. I do not believe in coincidences. Each dog came into our lives exactly when we needed them and provided us with the emotional support we craved. I know I sound worse than a crazy cat lady, but you cannot ignore the facts.

My brother Danny always says, “Dogs are babies that never grow out of diapers.” I love that analogy. Dogs are dependent on humans their entire lives. They never become self-sufficient; their life revolves around you. Dogs age very quickly; most live between 12-14 years. I wonder why they have such a short life?

Dogs Do Show Their Love

According to the PetHelpful website,, dogs show love for us in five ways:

  • Gazing into your eyes
  • Greeting you happily when they come home
  • Listening to your voice
  • Seeking emotional comfort from their owners (you!)
  • Loving us unconditionally

I could have rattled off this list myself; however, the above article proves these actions by quoting actual behavioral studies. It is very interesting information on pet behaviors (at least I think so). Interactions with pets have boosted mental health and staved off loneliness for countless humans. This article has stats to prove it. What a gift dogs are!

Tucker Snuggling with Daddy

Dogs Have No Judgement

Do you have a pet that helps you relieve stress in your life? Pets require responsibility. You have to feed them, exercise them, walk them and pick up their poop. Yes, sometimes you do not want to do these things for them. But think about everything they do for you, and you’ll want to take care of them. They don’t care if you have no make-up on or had a bad day at work; their tails will be furiously wagging when you get home! I am grateful for Tucker’s greeting every day when I come home.

In conclusion, our dogs have taught me so much over the years. Apple showed me the importance of eating together as a family. Snickers demonstrated that when forced to do something you don’t want to, you can at least limit its impact on others. Finally, Tucker has taught me that everyone needs someone to allow them to cry, kiss away their tears, and give them a hug when needed.

Can you think of anything your pet has taught you? Let me know in a comment below. Also, if I have said anything that resonates with you, please let me know that too. Feel free to shoot me a picture of your favorite friend, I’d love to see him/her.

About The Author



  1. Mike | 29th Sep 22


    Thanks for an awesome blog this week. A dog or your pet is always their for you with unconditional love during the roughest and easy times. Our pets helps us get thru our toughest days even if they do not know that.

    Keep writing.

    • Loretta | 29th Sep 22

      Glad you really like this week’s blog post, Mike. Dogs are just the best!

  2. Jackie | 2nd Oct 22

    I love this article, Loretta. You encapsulated just how important a dog is to a family. I grew up with dogs and loved them, but our dog Simba grew up with our girls. He was our loving, sweet, nutty Labrador that changed our lives. He used to do some of the funniest things that make me laugh to this day. Someday we’ll meet them again. 🌈 🐾🐾

    • Loretta | 10th Oct 22

      Very sorry for the ridiculously late reply, Jackie. Last week was a bit of a whirlwind. I am so glad you liked the article! I believe dogs are so much more than, dogs. If you have one, that makes sense. If you don’t, you are missing out on so much unconditional love. Who couldn’t use a little bit of that? Go to a local rescue and get yourself a dog. A few months from now you won’t be able to tell who rescued who!

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