
Why Does Change Have to Be So Difficult?

Do you handle change graciously, or does it put you in a spiral? Why does change have to be so difficult? I have had many changes in my life these past few years. Some changes were intentional, while others were completely beyond my control. The ones you can’t control are the most challenging. Most people do not enjoy forced changes, yet others seem adept at graciously handling them…

How to Craft a Unique Yet Feasible Summer Bucket List

Do you create goal lists that contain tasks outside of your reach? I do, so I decided to learn how to craft a unique yet feasible summer bucket list. Sounds simple enough, right? My main bucket list is in the note section of my phone. I would need to win Lotto to accomplish most of the tasks on that list. Eight of the eleven tasks listed involve travel. I have…

How I Push Through Painful Cancer Memories Every Year

How I push through painful cancer memories every year is always a challenge. Once a year, I have to return to the “scene of the crime,” or the place where I was initially diagnosed with breast cancer. It brings back all the feels. Sure, the staff is lovely, and the doctor is great, but the feelings brought on by my annual mammogram/sonogram tests are brutal. I thought…

A New Side Effect is Joining My Cancer Journey and It’s Scary

Do you get that “pit” feeling in your stomach when you are afraid? I do. There’s a new side effect joining my cancer journey and it’s scary. I have been walking around with that pit feeling due to a new fear. It is so uncomfortable, yet I know I have to get through it. This is not my first rodeo, and you would think…

How I’m Finding Clarity in Life After Having Breast Cancer

Crazy to be saying this but, I’m finding clarity in my life after having breast cancer. Four and a half years ago the disease turned my entire life upside down and caused me to question everything. I wasn’t particularly seeking inward knowledge; however, having breast cancer allowed me to learn so much about myself. Are you interested in learning more about yourself? My journey towards figuring…

Do Normal People Talk to Themselves Every Day?

When I was younger, people known to talk to themselves were considered weird. Now, every self-help book encourages you to talk to yourself. Suddenly, it’s become the thing to do. Self-talk is normal. Do you talk to yourself? What do you typically say? “Every waking moment we talk to ourselves about the things we experience. Our self-talk, the thoughts we communicate to ourselves, in turn…