
You Need Nazareth Farm on Your Bucket List

Interested in serving others? Then you need Nazareth Farm on your bucket list. It is a wonderful experience. I highly recommend it. I grew up in Flushing, Queens, which is one of the boroughs of New York City. While it didn’t have the skyscrapers of Manhattan, it certainly was not rural. I was a city kid. We served others by making food when someone died or got sick…

Covid Appears to Be Inducing Public Rudeness

I fear Covid is inducing public rudeness. We did take out tonight. I know it is not an indulgence we should make when on a budget. We are trying to support local businesses during Covid, and I needed Mexican food. I drove to get the take-out, and a man was walking into the restaurant before me. He did not hold the double doors for me even though I was…

Lessons From My Daughter

My daughter and I have been quarantining in a quaint AirBNB in Pennsylvania for the past week. Due to Covid 19, her new job is requiring her to isolate for 14-days before beginning her position. I offered to tag along with her so she wouldn’t be lonely. We are taking this very seriously. We arrived last Sunday and did our two-week supplies of grocery shopping. We…

Taking Advantage of the Time We Now Have

Ten years from now, when you reflect on the Corona Virus Pandemic and how it affected you, will you be proud to share with others what you did during this lockdown? I hope so. We non-essential workers have a lot of time on our hands. Initially, when we all went into “pause ” mode, I believe most people were in shock. I mean, who would have thought that…

Need financial help? Plenty of Resources Are Available.

This pandemic is taking its’ toll on all of us. I know I have a permanent ache in the pit of my stomach, thanks to my anxiety. Do you? When will this be over, and when will we be able to go back to school and work again? There are so many unanswered questions! In the meantime, since this has dragged on for so long, your emergency resources may…

Money Management During This Quarantine Time

Most of us have been hunkering down and self-quarantining for about five weeks now. I don’t know about you, but in my entire adult life, I have never had five weeks of vacation in a row. I certainly never had vacation time without the ability to go anywhere! These are different times; you may have been required to take a furlough or been permanently laid-off from…