Breast Cancer

How to Keep Life From Overwhelming You This Summer

Is it just me, or are you trying to figure out how to keep life from overwhelming you this Summer? I know Memorial Day was just this weekend, but it seems Summer is already walloping us. There is so much tragedy around us. We had another devastating school shooting with multiple children and adults killed, and we are still dealing with a pandemic. Groceries and gas prices are increasing daily…

How to Shift Your Mindset And Positively Change Your Life

You have much more control over your destiny than you think. Do you know how to shift your mindset and positively change your life? It’s not easy, but you can do it. It’s one of the ways I am outwitting life. My mother knew how to do it. I thought she was crazy. Do you know when you start to feel lousy right before getting hit…

Cheers to Outwittinglife, My Breast Cancer Fight, and New Focus

My first post appeared three years ago this week! Cheers to outwittinglife, my breast cancer fight and new focus. Creating kick-started my healing journey. It quickly became the conduit to reinvent myself as I navigated life after breast cancer. Today, I am celebrating how far the blog and me have come in three years. This article is my 106th blog post! Probably not a very impressive number…

Planning Is Good But Letting Life Happen Can Be Better

Do you micro-manage your life? Planning is good, but letting life happen can be better. There is something so freeing when you let yourself go with the flow. Having been through a breast cancer battle, I know what it is like to have to go with the flow. I had no control over anything. Planning was limited to doctor visits and treatments. I was afraid to plan for fear…

Are You Focused on Outwitting Life Every Day Yet?

In June, I will have been writing this blog for three years. That was fast! Are you focused on outwitting life every day yet? Have I enticed you to at least try it? Life circumstances forced me into embarking on my outwitting life journey when I found myself unemployed, unsure of myself, and sick with cancer. It was not a pretty beginning. It has, however, been quite the education. I…

How I Push Through Painful Cancer Memories Every Year

How I push through painful cancer memories every year is always a challenge. Once a year, I have to return to the “scene of the crime,” or the place where I was initially diagnosed with breast cancer. It brings back all the feels. Sure, the staff is lovely, and the doctor is great, but the feelings brought on by my annual mammogram/sonogram tests are brutal. I thought…