
Strangers That Have Inspired Me to Be a Better Person

Thank goodness for strangers–they literally saved my life. I found the strangers that have inspired me to be a better person on Instagram. They are accompanying me on my Outwitting Life journey. In fact, they inspired me to be a better person. It’s been happening slowly this past year. Thanks to inspiration from strangers, I have been taking baby steps and branching out of my comfort…

Tips to Make Dollar Tree Work for You

I admit it; I never wanted to learn anything about Dollar Tree. If you’ve been following my blog, you know that I have frequently copped to not paying attention to money and budgeting for most of my life. I crashed into the savings world due to getting cancer and losing my career a few years ago. Had I paid attention sooner, my nest egg would certainly be a…

Money Management During This Quarantine Time

Most of us have been hunkering down and self-quarantining for about five weeks now. I don’t know about you, but in my entire adult life, I have never had five weeks of vacation in a row. I certainly never had vacation time without the ability to go anywhere! These are different times; you may have been required to take a furlough or been permanently laid-off from…

Big Win at the Grocery Store!

I finally did it! I was able to stick to my list and stay under my budget at Aldi this weekend. It took a little bit of prepping ahead of time – probably about forty-five minutes or so. I started by “shopping” my own pantry first and then making a meal plan for next week. This way I am only buying what we truly need. Our typical…

Does September Change You?

I view the month of September as my second chance each year to truly make life changes. I love when Summer rolls into Fall and the schools start up again, the leaves change color and there’s a crispness to the air. For me, it’s my personal signal to get myself in gear and make some changes. Sure, we all start the year with lofty goals and…