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Why Does a Clean House Make You Feel Good?

It’s that time of year again – Spring cleaning time! Why does a clean house make you feel good? There’s nothing like a clean house. I love the faint smell of Pine-sol that lingers after we clean our house. It is somehow comforting to me. Is that weird, or do you like that too? There was a period when we let our house go. We…

Trying to Make Sense of The Nonsense

So many things seem off in this world today. In this post, I am trying to make sense of the nonsense. It is all around us. Have you noticed? Let’s use intermittent fasting as an example. It is currently lauded as the latest fad to help you lose weight. Intermittent fasting requires you to eat during certain hours of the day – typically during daylight hours. Do you…

Should I Go to My 45th Year High School Reunion?

The invite arrived in the mail this Saturday. Should I go to my 45th-year high school reunion? I experienced so many emotions reading the invitation from St. Francis Prep. My first thought was to calculate the time between now and the reunion date to see how quickly I needed to start my diet. Plenty of time! (Yeah, right.) I loved my high school years! Of course, I will attend…

Why My Irish Heritage is So Important to Me

Many of us claim Irish, Italian, German, or Polish descent. Yet, others say they are Americans. Want to know why my Irish heritage is so important to me? I love being second-generation Irish! All four of my grandparents were born in Ireland and immigrated through Ellis Island to the U.S. My grandmother’s brogue was so heavy that when she told the immigration officer her name, he…

My Top Ten Tips For Outwitting Life Daily

Sometimes it’s good to get back to basics. How do you handle your down days? Below are my top ten tips for outwitting life daily. I need them right now. As a breast cancer survivor, I found that all you need are lipstick and an eyebrow pencil to feel better. It is amazing the difference they make in your appearance! I learned this in the American Cancer Society…

What’s the Most Outrageous Thing You’ve Heard Lately?

Our world is a little crazy right now, don’t you agree? The White House stated on live television this week that the items they recently shot down were not aliens. Really? What’s the most outrageous thing you’ve heard lately? Polar Bears on the boardwalk, perhaps? Could it be the pandemic altered our thoughts? Our common sense is becoming further and further out of reach…