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Turkey Day Gratitude

Tomorrow, most of us will spend a good part of our day eating and enjoying time with family and friends. We are encouraged to stuff our bellies and lounge around watching football all day. Most people throw caution to the wind and eat until they are uncomfortably full. No one is shamed for the portions they take; in fact, hosts and hostesses are insulted by sparsely filled dinner plates. Loosely…

Cancer and Thanksgiving Just Don’t Jive

In November of 2016, breast cancer entered my life. Why did it have to be November? As a nation, November is the month we celebrate Thanksgiving. It is the time of year we practice gratitude. We gather with friends and family, we share a huge meal and eat way too much. Our drinks become pumpkin or spice-flavored; ditto on pies and donuts too. We decorate our homes with lovely…

Please Thank Veterans For Our Freedoms Every Chance You Get

Updated 11/11/2020 Please thank veterans for our freedoms every chance you get because many of them never have been thanked. Each Veteran’s Day, I fondly remember the conversation that ensued when I thanked a dinner guest upon learning he was a Veteran. From that day forward, I have been on a mission to thank Veterans. I am in awe of Veterans because they willfully signed up…

Stress-Free Christmas Planning

It’s the first week of November and that means it is time to start planning for the holidays to ensure they remain stress-free for you this year. I have taken a November calendar and added my tasks directly to it, printed it and have it hanging above my desk staring me in the face every day! I don’t know about you but I just LOVE placing a…

Enjoy the College Selection Process; It’s Another Phase of Parenthood

My son is sixteen years old and a senior in high school. We are currently “on the hunt,” looking for a college that he can attend next year. There are literally thousands of colleges to choose from in the United States. Thank goodness he has already decided that he would like to be a commuter. Given that we live in Nassau County on Long Island, he still has…

Let’s Plan for the Holidays Early this Year

I love feeling that nip in the air when I leave the house in the morning. Fall is my favorite season. Historically, Fall is the calm before the storm in my life. Why? Because the holiday season is lurking around the corner and, once Halloween hits, it’s off to the races with Thanksgiving and then Christmas hitting us back-to-back. For the past couple of years, I…