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Is the Corona Virus Making You Want to Pull up the Covers and Stay in Bed?

Image by Engin_Akyurt from Pixabay It’s Thursday, but I thought it was Friday. I suppose it doesn’t really matter what day it is however I pride myself on being accurate. The days are all melding together for me. I did not want to get out of bed today. It’s the first time I’ve felt that way since the whole Corona 19 &#8220…

Want to Take Control During Quarantine?

Who knew that when I started this blog a year ago, that outwitting life would become a necessity during Covid 19? Well, it has. Suddenly, everything has changed. We are all working from home or not working at all. Schools are remotely teaching lessons, or parents are home-schooling. Sports are canceled, and we’re being asked to self-quarantine to keep everyone safe. Social distancing is the current…

Use Fear as an Opportunity

The Corona Virus has made things very real these past few days. Schools are closed, restaurants can only provide take-out/delivery, and sporting events have been canceled. We are officially in a Pandemic. So, what does that mean for you? Are you going to panic and run to the grocery store to stockpile staples? Will your hands become raw due to the number of times you are washing them…

Why My Life and The New York Mets are Connected

I love baseball. I mean, I really LOVE baseball. The anticipation of my beloved New York Mets’ Opening Day makes me feel giddy. I have such hope at the beginning of the baseball season. For me, it signifies the official start of Spring and opportunity abounds! Many of my happiest memories are tied to baseball. I was introduced to the Mets at a very young age. My mother and…

Month-Long Birthday Fun!!

My birthday month is finally coming to an end, and it was quite eventful! Trying to plan something for every day was a big challenge and I learned that it is not easy having fun. You have to work at it. And, boy, did I! As of Wednesday, I became “in my 60’s.” Yikes! That sounds so much older than “in my 50’s…

Time is Tricky

Do you remember when you were in grammar school and the year seemed to drag on forever until the Summer finally arrived? Then, the Summer flew by and before you knew it September arrived and you had to return to school? Well, at that same time, your parents felt that the school year flew by and the Summer dragged on and on. They were thrilled when September finally came so…