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“Emerging” is The New Book You Need to Read

“Your hard matters,” according to Nancy Stordahl. How true! We all experience hard things in life, albeit to varying degrees. Emerging is the new book you need to read. I could not put it down. Typically, I am not enamored by others’ cancer stories. It is sort of a been there, done that scenario. However, Emerging is different. It hit me hard, so I wanted to write…

Are You Feeling Sad About the Dog Days of Summer?

It is the beginning of August, and man, it is hot. Are you feeling sad about the dog days of summer? I have heard this phrase used many times. Do you know the history behind the dog days of summer? Believe it or not, this phrase has nothing to do with dogs. How disappointing! All these years, I have imagined a big hairy dog panting like crazy due to the…

Being A Survivor is Not as Easy as You Think

The tragedy is over, so you should feel euphoric, right? Being a survivor is not as easy as you think. You are alive and undoubtedly grateful; however, survivorship is highly complicated. Currently, I am in my sixth year of breast cancer survival. Cancer treatment was a harrowing experience, but that’s not what I want to write about today. I want to explore what it’s like to…

Why Does Change Have to Be So Difficult?

Do you handle change graciously, or does it put you in a spiral? Why does change have to be so difficult? I have had many changes in my life these past few years. Some changes were intentional, while others were completely beyond my control. The ones you can’t control are the most challenging. Most people do not enjoy forced changes, yet others seem adept at graciously handling them…

A Review of Public Etiquette In A Drive-Thru

As most of you know, I am addicted to Diet Coke. Ergo, I spend a lot of time in McDonald’s drive-thrus. Frankly, it appalls me how people behave there. So, here is a review of public etiquette in a drive-thru. Kindly enjoy my sarcasm. Drive-thrus have become a staple in our society. They are great for short lunch breaks. You don’t have to…

Poor Air Quality and UAPs Will Not Deter My Positivity

Yesterday, our neighborhood was enveloped in a yellow haze reminiscent of an apocalypse movie. Typically Miss Upbeat, poor air quality, and UAPs will not deter my positivity. You probably saw some pictures in the news of what New York City looked like yesterday. I live on Long Island in Nassau County, New York, approximately 45 minutes east of New York City. Our area looked similar. It was eerie. Walking through…