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Strangers That Have Inspired Me to Be a Better Person

Thank goodness for strangers–they literally saved my life. I found the strangers that have inspired me to be a better person on Instagram. They are accompanying me on my Outwitting Life journey. In fact, they inspired me to be a better person. It’s been happening slowly this past year. Thanks to inspiration from strangers, I have been taking baby steps and branching out of my comfort…

Procrastinating After Cancer Can Be A Good Thing

Are you guilty of procrastinating? Me, too. Is a life-changing trauma holding you back from outwitting life? It can, but only if you let it. Procrastinating after cancer can be a good thing. I have been struggling with the fear of reinventing myself, and I have only recently allowed myself to face this fear. Denial is so much easier. Fear has caused me to procrastinate writing my blog. Fear…

You Need Nazareth Farm on Your Bucket List

Interested in serving others? Then you need Nazareth Farm on your bucket list. It is a wonderful experience. I highly recommend it. I grew up in Flushing, Queens, which is one of the boroughs of New York City. While it didn’t have the skyscrapers of Manhattan, it certainly was not rural. I was a city kid. We served others by making food when someone died or got sick…

Did You Outwit Life During the 2020 Pandemic?

If there ever was a time to learn how to successfully outwit life, this was the year. Did you outwit life during the 2020 pandemic? Too many bad things happened during the pandemic of 2020, yet so many good lessons have been learned. I believe the pandemic brought out the good in people. I really am torn between hating this year and loving (okay, maybe liking) it. Was 2020 a…

Why Life-Long Friendships Are Stronger Than Cancer

(A personal reflection of the friendship I shared with Kerrie Valdner-Flynn) Last week was a sad week; cancer took away a close friend. But life-long friendships never die. While cancer may have taken Kerrie, it did not touch our relationship. It could not erase the beautiful memories I have of a fifty-year-plus association. I feel lucky to have Kerrie as a lifelong friend. We go as…

Outwitting Thanksgiving in a Pandemic

Can you believe we’re still dealing with a pandemic? What will outwitting Thanksgiving in a pandemic look like? This will be interesting! It never occurred to me that the pandemic would impact our Thanksgiving family gatherings in March. I thought Covid-19 would be long gone by now. But it is still lingering. Not only has Covid not made its graceful exit, but it may be gearing up…