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Defining Your Life’s Purpose After Breast Cancer or Tragedy

One day, you are living your best life, and the next day you are defining your life’s purpose after breast cancer or tragedy. How can this happen? You were just full of purpose with everything on track. But then you find a lump in your breast, or you get called to the emergency room because “there’s been an accident.” In an instant, your world…

NYC and East Coast Summer Travel Ideas Post Pandemic

Looking for Summer travel ideas? We are primed for a great Summer! The ballparks are at full capacity, and restaurants no longer have to close early. Heck, the New York Mets are in FIRST place in their division (barely). Life is good. I feel like we should all be dancing in the streets – we’re free! We can breathe without masks on and actually hug each other. People…

Why Should You Choose to Participate in the Self-care Trend?

Self-care seems to be everywhere! So, why should you choose to participate in the self-care trend? It is in magazine articles, social media, and advertising. It appears to be the “IT” thing right now. Are you already part of the self-care trend? If not, should you be? Can it be a way to continue outwitting life? I think it might be worth trying. While embarrassing…

What Does Memorial Day Mean To You and Your Family?

Memorial Day is the unofficial/official kick-off of the Summer season. What does Memorial Day mean to you and your family? It originated as a day of remembrance. I believe lately, its meaning is being overshadowed by the start of Summer. That makes me sad. This Memorial Day weekend will undoubtedly feature the smell of hot dogs and hamburgers, and the sounds of Summer will be all around you…

Three Ways You Can Begin Living in the Moment

Unless you have a hotline to Jesus, you have no idea how long you will live. Ever notice that every self-help book stresses you should “live in the moment?” Unfortunately, most of us don’t, do you? I have found three ways you can begin living in the moment. I have decided I am going to. My clock is ticking, and I am not getting any…

My friend has been diagnosed with Breast Cancer; now what?

It is never easy to hear that a friend (or loved one) has been diagnosed with breast cancer. What a nightmare, right? If that’s your initial response, consider how awful your friend feels. She’s scared, she’s uncertain about her options, and she probably feels as if she is living in a dream. I say this because it is exactly how I felt. Nothing seems…