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It’s Time To Let Go of Summer and Welcome Sweater Weather

It’s difficult to accept that the warm weather is nearly over, but it is. That means it’s time to let go of summer and welcome sweater weather. Wasn’t it last week we took our annual trip to Lowe’s to get flowers and greenery for the outside? We bought some nice new pots this year and threw out our old ones. My husband…

Thirty Random Acts of Kindness You Can Do This September

Who wants to join me in doing random acts of kindness this September? I am feeling anxious about all the things happening in our world right now. The pandemic is making a comeback. Hurricane Ida slammed the South and what’s happened in Afghanistan is heartbreaking. Do you agree we could all use a little bit of kindness in our lives? Tomorrow starts a new month, so it&#8217…

Being the Distraught Daughter of a Breast Cancer Survivor

Note: This is a guest post by my daughter Erin Rederscheid When Mom was first diagnosed with Breast Cancer, I became the distraught daughter. I will never forget those moments in my life. That night we sat down for dinner, and she told me she was having her first surgery but that she was okay! The morning we sat down in my dorm room lobby, and she told me she…

Do Normal People Talk to Themselves Every Day?

When I was younger, people known to talk to themselves were considered weird. Now, every self-help book encourages you to talk to yourself. Suddenly, it’s become the thing to do. Self-talk is normal. Do you talk to yourself? What do you typically say? “Every waking moment we talk to ourselves about the things we experience. Our self-talk, the thoughts we communicate to ourselves, in turn…

How Much Control Over Your Life Do You Really Have?

How many times per day do you read a headline touting it’s time to take control over your life? Is it just me, or are these edicts everywhere you look? You need to love and accept yourself. You are important to the universe. If you look good, you feel better. Life is a choice; choose wisely. Apple cider vinegar is a sure-fire cure for all your ills…

Why A Good Belly Laugh Is What You Need Today

When did you last have a good belly laugh? It’s definitely time. We are living in a scary era right now where a little levity can go a long way. The phrase “laughter is the best medicine” is commonly stated but is it true? Do you laugh often? Do you feel better after a good belly laugh? I do. Have you ever been in a situation…