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Fun Fall Foliage Trip With A Breast Cancer Fatigue Reminder

My husband and I went on an apple picking adventure Saturday. It became a fun fall foliage trip with a breast cancer fatigue reminder. Why does cancer never go away? I had a wonderful time with my husband enjoying the fall colors and apple picking. We brought the dog and he was such a good boy. I really enjoyed myself. But then I woke up Sunday morning! We live on…

Four Things I do To Help Lower my Holiday Anxiety

Do the holidays make you anxious? They make me very nervous. However, I’ve come up with four things I can do to help lower my holiday anxiety. Every year I vow I will do things differently and not allow myself to get stressed and caught up in holiday anxiety. Sound familiar? These four things helped me be less anxious last year. Four Ways I Lower My Holiday Anxiety…

How I’m Finding Clarity in Life After Having Breast Cancer

Crazy to be saying this but, I’m finding clarity in my life after having breast cancer. Four and a half years ago the disease turned my entire life upside down and caused me to question everything. I wasn’t particularly seeking inward knowledge; however, having breast cancer allowed me to learn so much about myself. Are you interested in learning more about yourself? My journey towards figuring…

Emotional Thoughts On Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Happy first Tuesday in October! I want to share my emotional thoughts on Breast Cancer Awareness Month with you. As I am sure you know, October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Or, as I like to refer to it, “Pinktober.” I am not a fan. This month fills me with anxiety. So many things turn pink in October. It’s become a marketer’s dream! Panera…

Letting Go of Guilt Can Be a Lifelong Effort

Are you good at letting go of guilt? Or, do you feel it always lingers and getting rid of it has become a lifelong effort? Does guilt ever go away? Why do we hold onto it for so long? It’s been well over forty years since Nannie (my grandma) was alive. As I’ve mentioned before, she lived with us in a two-family house in Queens…

Fifteen Reasons Tuesdays Are Special

Do you know the fifteen reasons Tuesdays are special? There are many historical Tuesday events but let’s start with the fact that statistically, Tuesday is the most productive day of the week. According to a 2019 survey by staffing agency Accountemps, more than half of the workers responded that their energy and drive is highest at the beginning of the week, specifically on Tuesday (35%), followed by…